Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I am Delicious (at Night)

Let me explain.

Midnight snack. The impulse is sometimes maddening, overpowering. Which is all well and good if you have some sesame chicken in the fridge or a slice of cold pizza. It is not okay when you yourself are the one being snacked. For the past two weeks I have been a late night buffet table for beasties everywhere.

I loathe mosquitoes more than most things. I think my hatred was really ramped up in Italy where our second floor apartment had these gigantic floor to ceiling windows and no screens. It being hotter'n'hell most nights the windows remained wide open, my room-mate and i would be feasted upon and end up walking to class with red welts all over our faces, necks and arms. It got so bad that I would feign sleep, wait for the inevitable "szzz....szhsZZSSXZSSHHSsss" of a mosquito passing by my ear and flail about at it like I was deranged, which I very nearly became.

The past week I have been visited by 3 mosquitoes, all of whom now no longer can count themselves among the living. All of which tasted my blood and thought it delicious enough to not even bother with Croftie. But last night, last night I don't know what happened, nor do i want to know. But this morning i woke up with a middle finger swollen up enough to make it slightly hard to bend at the knuckle. it is red and itches.

I want this madness to stop.

I want to feel safe and secure that when i turn out my lamp and go to sleep that i won't be eaten alive and stung/bitten by ornery denizens of the older and more primitive species.

Leave me alone!



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