Countdown to Christmas #9 (December 14th)

The band's name is Menomena and their album Friend or Foe was fucking terrific. My sprawling (and somewhat terrible review, sorry editor ladies) won't be repeated here for it was promised to JBB and shall stay his/hers/theirs forever more. Just know that it kept me nice and happy during those bleak Spring months that have more to do with February than they do with May. And oh, the Oline. I just went back through my email box and searched for the key word Menomena only to find countless pleading entreaties to just submit the damn review, and it breaks my heart. Forgiveness?
Labels: congratulations--you're still in the running towardS becoming Doug's Album of the Year, Countdown to Christmas Vacation, Jack Black's Body, music, Oline in the City
of course, of course all is forgiven. and i think you should post the damn thing, because it was pretty kickass.
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